Thomas Edison State University
111 W. State St.Trenton, NJ, 08608-1101 609-984-1110 View Our Website

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Thomas Edison State University provides distinctive undergraduate and graduate education for self-directed adults through flexible, high-quality collegiate learning and assessment opportunities. One of New Jersey’s senior public institutions of higher education, the University offers associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs. Students earn degrees through a wide variety of rigorous and high-quality academic methods that can be customized to meet their individual needs. Identified by The New York Times as “the college that paved the way for flexibility,” The University is a national leader in the assessment of adult learning and a pioneer in the use of educational technologies. The University is home to The John S. Watson Institute for Public Policy and the New Jersey State Library is an affiliate. To learn more, visit www.tesu.edu or email admissions@tesu.edu.
Tuition Reduction Employees of NJBIA member organizations will receive a tuition reduction from the in-state rate, in addition to the University’s generous credit acceptance practices – Saving you time and money! The tuition reduction at TESU will be for all Undergraduate Certificates, Associate Degrees, Bachelor’s Degrees, and Master’s Degrees. On the application, enter code: CPNJBIA or for more information, contact Thomas Phillips at tphillips@tesu.edu.
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